We waited as it got darker.

Suddenly, a Pied Harrier came and sat on the ground in front of us. A stunning male! I started sketching him through the spotting scope.
Then I noticed that there were a female and a male sitting close to each other a bit further a head. I started sketching them, too, not realising what was happening.

When I looked up with naked eye, I was astonished! There were not just one or two pied harriers but more than 40 of them! Mostly male pied harriers and several female and a few Eastern Marsh Harriers.
I'd never imagined to see so many harriers at once.

クロノビタキ(Pied Bushchat)

キバラクロシメ♀(Spot-winged Grosbeak)
We went to Nam pu roon, a hot spring, where a geyser moistens trees with salty water. Birds such as this Spot-winged Grosbeak comes to the trees to lick the salt.

カンムリオウチュウ(Hair-crested Drongo)


Two purple birds together! Purple Heron and Purple Swamphens.


Little Pratincoles at Mae Nam Khong. (ヒメツバメチドリ)

カタグロツメバゲリ(River Lapwing)
This is the end of my Thai birds' posts!