Java Kingfisher(ジャワショウビン)
"Birds of Bali" by Victor Mason & Frank Jarvis starts with this bird. And the first sentence says, "'What is that incredible blue bird with the huge red beak?' So often is the question posed by visitors to Bali."
I thought the same thing when I saw the ultramarine flash going across the field in front of our B&B on the first morning in Bali.
This bird book is very poetic and beautiful and knows exactly what travelers will see on the island.


Another bird from our B&B, Grey-cheeked Green Pigeon, which occurs only on Java, Bali and Sulawesi. It's interesting that this bird named by Alfred Russel Wallace can be found only on three islands yet crossing the Wallace Line.

The bridge of Nāga and Ficus tree in the Monkey Forest. There was a Balinese couple taking wedding photos in front of this!

We had lunch at a very nice garden restaurant and tasted several tempe dishes!