My mother spotted the article and the tour became my best ever Christmas present. It was my first experience of birding with a real expert.

I was at Khao Yai again as a part of birding tour, and this time I was the tour leader. And we saw the Asian Fairy Bluebird, the bird I clearly remember watching during my first trip there.


クロヒゲゴシキドリ(Moustached Barbet)

アオムネハチクイ(Blue-bearded Bee-eater)

ヒイロサンショウクイ(Scarlet Minivet)

声は聞こえ、時々枝の間から見えるのに、なかなか全身を見せてくれなかったコガネゲラ。姿を追って、林道を行き来していると、バサバサバサという大きな羽音が近づいて来た。サイチョウだ! シワコブサイチョウが上を通過するのが、木々の隙間から見えた。こぶが黄色いのが雄、青いのが雌。

This one seems to be a kind of pit viper but I could not figure out which one.

Murmuration of the Wrinkle-lipped free-tailed bats.
When watching creatures at night, some people become chattier and speak louder even though it is silent enough to hear any soft little sound you make. Is that because they are afraid of the darkness or silence and trying to ignore it?
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