28 March 2015

Migrating West

It's spring and I have migrated west to England again!  This time, I am just a summer visitor and won't be staying as long as swifts or cuckoos do but still, I came to enjoy the long daylight.

Since I booked a very early flight out of Japan, I stayed at my grandmother's place for a night. And this was what I found at hers, a flowering Air Plant (Bryophyllum pinnatum)!

I have already went out for birdwatching and watched 52 avocets and marsh harriers!
It's so nice to be "home" and looking up the massive sky and walking on the common land and stepping carefully across the cattle grid.


  1. ソリハシセイタカシギが群れでいるは贅沢ですね。たくさんスケッチしてください!

    1. Hiyokichiさん、このあたりだとソリハシセイタカシギは基本は夏鳥なのですが、3月末でもうやってきているんだとちょっとびっくりしました。もうチフチャフも聞きましたよ!
