25 August 2018


Not being able to go out for long time, I often stroll around the orchards near our place.  Now is the season for Japanese pear and Kyoho grape.  



オオミズアオ!(Japanese Luna Moth)


Mt Fuji and Tanzawa mountain range at dusk.  

20 August 2018



While looking after my baby by the balcony door, I heard a sharp call and several crows cawing.  It was a female kestrel attacking crows!  
家のベランダの目の前で、チョウゲンボウとハシボソガラスがバトルしていた! チョウゲンボウをカラスがモビングしているのかと思えば、数羽で止まっているカラスの頭上すれすれをチョウゲンボウが飛んだりもしていた。




12 August 2018

My Little Baby Girl

I gave birth to a little girl!  Thankfully, she came out very smoothly.
妊娠していることすらお伝えしていなかった方も多いですが、女の子を出産しました! 母子ともに元気に過ごしています。 


She is very small but has big hands and feet!  And look at this thick black hair! 


My new life with a newborn baby started and I feel like I became a milking cow.  But now that I have my special model, I hope to sketch her as much as I can and improve my skill to draw a child!  


6 August 2018



Little Grebe family. When the grebe swam across, the reflection of the reed made beautiful ripple.  


We visited a reservoir in the evening to watch roosting swallows.  
The sun set and the standing heron became a silhouette.  Some swallows started to gather and skim over the water to drink.     

For several minutes, the sky was full of swallows.  And then they started to settle in the willow trees and reeds.  




I found a Japanese rhinoceros beetle walking on the ground! 
There were many kids with a insect net and a cage in that park.  They would have been delighted to find him but I kind of wished him luck for not being found. 





3 August 2018

Petsket Challenge

During the month of July, I did Petsket challenge on Instagram with my friend illustrators from the MA course, Maria Herbert-Liew, Yiting Lee, Rosemary ShojaieRuchi Mhasane and Archit Vase.  
Petsket collective was a platform to share people's daily drawings, which my friend started, but she is closing it.  So we did the final challenge to draw something everyday for the month!
7月中、毎日何かを描いて#petsket を付けてインスタグラムにアップするというのをイラストレーター仲間と行った。

The word "petsket" came from "bring your sketchbook everywhere like a pet." 
On the day 23, I couldn't find a good thing to draw so I let this girl walk a sketchbook, hoping to find something attractive for the next day!

Here are several of my sketches I made during the month. They are flowers and insects around my house.

Day 6, Skunkvine. ヘクソカズラ。 Despite its smell and the name, its flowers are pretty.

Day11, Green bristlegrass.

Day 12. ナツノタムラソウ。I put the colour first and then the line for this one.

Day 14, Morning sketch of the Asistic dayflower. Better to be outside in the morning when it is still not too hot. ツユクサ

Day 17. When I went out to balcony to hang up the laundry, this poor beetle was dead there. アオドウガネ。

Day 22. I found this stink bug! アカスジキンカメムシ。

Day 24. Japanese pear is growing at the orchards.

Day 26. My husband came back home with this gorgeous male Sawtooth Stag Beetle!  Apparently, it was at the stairway of our apartment!  ノコギリクワガタ。

Day 30. Persimmon orchard in the evening light.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to bring my sketchbook everywhere and to see everyones beautiful works!