"Buy a flower, miss?" "Yes, please" The flower seller from Viet Nam reminded me of the conversation from My Fair Lady. Although I couldn't get the exact line and had to check the Internet.
The Counter at "Cafe Copains", where my little art show is now being held. クイナ通り展、昨日より開催中です。カフェの雰囲気に合うのか、うまく飾れるか、いろいろ心配していましたが、なんとか15点+色紙2枚を展示できました。 今日は、たくさんのご来場、どうもありがとうございました。感激です~!
I would like to write more about the Viet Nam trip but before that, let me show you a sketch from Hanamaki in Iwate prefecture. After I came back to Japan, I went straight to Iwate to join the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan.
Hanamaki castle just before the sunset. 生態学会帰りに花巻と平泉を訪ねた。城も寺も跡地が多く、ただその「場所」が残されていて、看板がひっそりと立っているのが印象的だった。それでも花巻城は、本丸跡が高台の上に、唯一残る円城寺門や復元された西御門などが高台の端っこに位置しているのがわかり、地形を生かしたつくりなのが手に取るようにわかった。こうした丘陵地を利用し、周辺に堀を設けたものを平山城というらしい。 ちょうど花巻城時鐘のところにたどり着いたのが午後6時で、警備員が鐘を6回鳴らすところがみられた。
Silver-breasted Broadbill(ギンムネヒロハシ) The one with white necklace is a female. When I was in Bangkok some years ago, I got the Bangkok Post calendar of Thai birds and this Broadbill was in its August page. So I've been wanted to see it since then.
Two couples were chasing each other just like "A Midsummer Night's Dream"'s Hermia, Lysander, Helena and Demetrius along the forest road. In the rain forest, trees are so tall and dense that it is easier to see birds along the roads than inside of the forest.