I brought up a tent with me, which my friend kindly lend me and camped for the week of the drawing course at caravan and camping park. I was a little nervous before I started the journey but once I set a tent, it was fine and actually... very nice! Every night I would come back to the campsite past ten o'clock and have shower afterward but the sky was still bright at midsummer in Scotland. I doubt that I used my head light more than three times. And every morning I would automatically wake up once at around four because it was so bright again. Although even I decided to go back to sleep for another an hour or so...
But I managed to spend some mornings sitting on the beach, watching birds and drawing. I loved that quiet time to think and be excited about the day a head. チューターの話の中で、紙の大きさや形に構図が自ずと左右されるというものがあった。横長の紙があったとき、真ん中に線があるだけで、左右をそれぞれ一ページとしてみるため、構図がかわると言う。考えてみると、わたしは最近よくスケッチブックを見開き一ページで使っており、中央の綴じ代を意識して絵を描いている。どうも絵本というメディアが頭の片隅みに住み着いてきているらしい。
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