I wrote an article about wader watching in Britain for the BIRDER magazine, which has just come out. The illustration is about the Wader Spectacular at the Snettisham reserve.
Bologna Children's Book Fair is just around the corner! This year, my works will be on the Cambridge School of Art stand again and also I am going to the fair myself! Yesterday, I submitted my portfolio and dummy books to the school and they will go on a van, heading off to Italy together with all the other students' and graduates' amazing works.
Cover images for two of my new stories. Both of them still have many pencil sketches but I at least managed to bind them.
Some inside pages. We had to make three copies each per story idea for the stand. So for the last few days, I was cutting and pasting from three thirty in the morning, getting so many paper cut! But now they are done!
Please visit our stand and see our works if you are at the Bologna Children's Book Fair.
I thoroughly enjoyed today's RSPB field trip to Breckland. The highlight was three crossbills.
They came to sit on a conifer tree just like the illustration that I have just finished!
This is a sneak preview of one of the spreads from my new story that I am currently working on.
A male kingfisher(カワセミ) It was really nice to observe a kingfisher for long time. He was comfortably sitting on a branch just above the river, giving me enough time to draw. He stayed there until well after most of the people in our group got tired of watching him and started to walk away.