カンムリウミスズメ(Japanese Murrelet) I placed a scope on rocks and looked for the murrelets. Although it looked like just sea and boats at a glance, when I watched carefully there were some black and white dots:murrets.
I went to Tama river to count the number of birds with the other members of my wild life research club in the university. April is the beginning of school term in Japan, so this time there were several freshmen, who helped us freshen up as well. ホオジロ(Meadow Bunting)とイカルチドリ(Long-billed Plover)
I went to Tokyo bay area to see birds with my frends. セイタカシギ One of my favorite birds, Black-winged Stilt. With its long legs, this bird looks elegant but it scared Dunlins in a noisy voice. ユリカモメ(Black-headed Gull) 数羽はもう頭が黒い夏羽になっていた。このほうがかわいい。 イラストモードで絵をスキャンしたらこんな風になった。スキャナーの機能は開拓の余地がありそうだ。 タマシギ(Greater Painted Snipe) 草の中でどんどん動かれて、描くのは大変だった。動くたびに、描き直すといいと習ったけれど、これでは1本線を引くごとに、新たに描きはじめる羽目になる。