Around the 20th September, Bull-headed shrikes arrived to my area and now I can see one male almost everyday from my window, sitting on a big Zelkova tree announcing his existence. Wednesday was the day when my little one went to the nursery and I was alone in the house. I pulled out a telescope and set it toward that big tree. The male came to perch from time to time and sketched him. A very satisfying moment!
望遠鏡距離ではあるけど、家からモズが見られる。 舞岡公園の田んぼで、ミズオオバコとオモダカ。 見つけるとうれしい、冬虫夏草のセミタケ。 On the 22nd of September, we went hawk watching.
It was a cool breezy day. There weren't as many migrating hawks as we expected but we saw several Crested honey buzzards migrating, local Japanese Sparrowhawks, a Eastern Buzzard, an Osprey, a Goshawk, a kestrel and lots of swallows and Swifts. I guess I watched more hawks than the number I watched this year combined so it was nice enough for me.
「カラス かいて」
「トトロ かいて」
「かさ かいて」
「カラス かさ かいて」
「あめ かいて」といつも通りの描いて描いて要求がはじまり、こんなことに。
先日、愛知県の伊良湖岬に行きました。フェリーの上から、まさに「きょうは たびびより」と全く同じ光景を目にして、瞬時にヒヨドリだ!と分かりました。それを見逃さなかったのは、なりささんの絵本のおかげです。伊良湖岬では主にサシバがたくさん渡っていきました。「増振装置付き」の鳥見も楽しそうですね!